When it comes to searching for insurance, not everyone is an expert. Many times, people end up selecting an insurance provider based on who their family or friends use. But when you are shopping around, you should have a general idea of what questions to ask when speaking with an insurance agent. Here are a few questions that you should ask yourself when comparing different insurance providers:
What kinds of coverage do I need? Outline what you want before talking with any insurance agent. Figure out what best fits your needs first so you don’t feel pressured into buying a product that doesn’t fit your situation.
What kind of coverage do they offer? Research the different kinds of coverage offered by each insurance provider to see if they have what you want.
What will my deductible be? This is the amount you’ll be responsible for paying out of pocket if an accident occurs, so pay attention to this detail!
Are there any perks or discounts? Sometimes providers offer lower rates if you bundle insurance with one provider or if you have an excellent driving record.
What are my payment options? Are payments monthly? One lump sum? Quarterly? Bi-annual?
Do they have a 24-hour claims service? You cannot plan when an accident is going to occur and it can be stressful if you are trying to contact your insurance agent outside of regular business hours. Having a 24-hour claim service can relieve that stress.
Looking for a free insurance quote? Call 844.788.0818 or visit Michigan First Insurance Agency to get started. Our team of qualified agents will do the shopping for you, comparing 40+ carriers to find the best rate for the level of coverage you need.