Business Banking Fees

Experience more flexibility.

Lower banking fees give your business more money to grow.

Focus on paying business expenses, not high fees

At Michigan First, we understand that businesses, small and large, are the heart of Michigan's economy. We keep our fees low to give you more financial flexibility and chances for success. Here's a list of what you can expect to pay when you do business with us:

All fees are effective as of January 1, 2025.

Fee Cost
Account History-From Staff, No Limit on Pages $5 each
Account/Loan Number Change, Member Request $50
Account Reconciliation/Research $25/hour
Account Reopening Within One Year of Closing $50
Account Reopening After Charge Off $50
Account Research-Outside Agencies $50/hour
ATM Transactions-All Michigan First/CO-OP ATMs Free
ATM Transactions-All Other ATM Networks $2.50
ATM Transactions-Surcharge for Non-CO-OP Network at Michigan First ATMs $5
Cash Advance-Credit Card 3% of advance, minimum $10
Cash Advance-Another Financial Institution Debit/Credit Card $5
Card Replacement-Debit/Credit $12
Cash/Coin Withdrawal Free
Certificate Account Early Withdrawal Penalty Through 1 Year: 90 days of dividends
Over 1 Year: 180 days of dividends
Check Copy $5
Check Images Online Free
Check Printing and Reorders Varies
Coin Deposits-Self Serve Free
Credit Card Late Payment $25
Credit Card NSF (Returned Payment) $25
Delinquent Loan/Late Fee 20% of delinquent interest (10 day grace period)
Deposit Correction $5
Dormant Account $3/month
Electronic Document Delivery Free
E-Statements Free
Foreign Checks-Collection Items $10 + bank charges
Foreign Transaction 1% of each transaction in U.S. Dollars
Levies and Garnishments $100
Loan Extension Agreement $40
Mailed Monthly Statement Charges*** $5
Manual Posting of an ACH Item $20/item for manual request after 30 day account change
Minimum Balance Fee* $10/month
Money Orders $3
Night Depository Key Deposit $10
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF)** $31
Official Check $3
Official Check Copy $5
Official Check Stop Payment $31
Online Bill Pay Free
Overdraft Transfer from Savings 1 free/month, $4/each additional
PIN Reorder Debit $2
Phone Transfer Within Own Account Via Call Center $1
Phone Transfer/Payment From External Account  $5
Returned Deposited Item $7
Rush ATM/Debit Card $30 card + additional $30 to rush PIN
Rush Credit Card $47 card + additional $30 to rush PIN
Sales Receipt Copy (ATM/Debit & Credit Card) $5
Service Centers/Shared Branch $4/teller cash withdrawal
Statement Copy-No Limit on Pages $5 each
Stop Payment $31
Unclaimed Property Fee $50
Undeliverable Mail/Returned $5
Verification of Deposits $10
Wire Transfers-Incoming Free
Wire Transfers-Outgoing Domestic $25
Wire Transfers-Outgoing International $50

Michigan First is a full-service credit union with branches that are easily accessible around Metro Detroit, Grand Rapids and mid-Michigan.